Who may attend the 2022 National Leadership Conference?
Anyone who is a member of Omicron Delta Kappa is eligible to attend. We encourage new members, student officers, advisors, and lifetime members to join us in a celebration of leadership. Evaluations from past years reveal that the best conference experience is one where two to four members from a circle attend together. The shared experience of learning from leadership experts and peers strengthens individuals and circles.
How do I arrange transportation to and from the convention?
Lexington, Kentucky is centrally located with easy access by the interstate, bus, and air. For those arriving by air, you will arrive at Lexington Blue Grass Airport. You can taxi or rideshare to the Gatton Student Center. For parking information, see About the University
When is the registration deadline?
We will accept registrations until May 1, 2022. If you are unable to register by May 1, please contact us. We’ll do our best to make arrangements for every member who wishes to attend the conference.
What is the conference registration fee?
Registration fees can be found on the registration page. All fees must be paid in advance of the conference. The fee this year reflects the return to an in-person experience but still at a very reasonable cost.
What is the refund policy?
ODK will refund part of the registration if canceled before the dates below.
50% refund – Cancellation prior to May 7, 2022
No Refund – Cancellation on or after May 7, 2022
Registrations may be transferred to another individual until May 16. After May 16, registrations may not be refunded or transferred.
How do I cancel my registration?
All cancellations must be submitted in writing (email is acceptable). The following cancellation fees apply to all conference registrations. Submit cancellations to O∆K headquarters via email, contact our business office at finance@odk.org.
What does the registration fee include?
Connection to some of the best collegiate leaders in the country as well as access to all conference sessions and materials, the Opening and Closing Banquets, lunch tickets for Friday and Saturday in the Gatton Center Food Court, and a conference T-shirt. Some programs such as tours and Friday night activities will be an additional cost paid directly to the providing vendor or site.
Coronavirus and COVID-19 Statement
At this time, the National Leadership Conference will be held understanding that the coronavirus is now endemic. If your campus has canceled conference travel for the period of the conference, please contact Tim Reed (540) 458-5345, tim@odk.org to discuss the options for refunds. All attendees will be required to be fully vaccinated or test negative for COVID-19 in accordance with the OΔK COVID Event Protocol.
What is the EventMobi App?
EventMobi is an app and online application that eliminates the need for printed materials and allows you to customize your conference experience. You can customize your conference p[profile, connect to conference attendees, speakers, and information, You can pre-plan your schedule before you arrive in Lexington, Kentucky. You can compete for prices through our gamification platform.
What is the expected attire for the convention?
Business casual is the recommended attire for the majority of the convention. Be sure to pack comfortable shoes and possibly a sweater or light jacket for the conference sessions as sometimes the rooms can be cool.
Friday: We are celebrating school spirit on Friday. Please bring your favorite college or university t-shirt, polo, sweatshirt, or jersey!
Saturday: O∆K will provide all attendees with a t-shirt. We hope everyone will wear it on Saturday to show O∆K pride. We love photos of members in O∆K gear. We will be taking an all-conference photo immediately following the Saturday featured speaker.
Saturday night: We recommend semiformal or cocktail attire for the O∆K Circle Showcase and National Leadership Awards Dinner on Saturday night.
What else should I bring to the convention?
First, bring other leaders from your circle! Second, here are just some items to put on your packing list:
Business cards to give to the connections you make
Laptop or tablet (you will have free WiFi in your room, conference area, and breakout rooms)
Toiletries, including soap, shampoo, toothpaste, and conditioner
Bath towels
Business or business casual attire
Sneakers, shower shoes, casual shoes, and dress shoes
Light jacket or raincoat
Athletic attire and running shoes if you wish to exercise